Sending messages

You can send message to agents from both the REST API and Python client:

response = client.user_message(, 

You can also send messages with different roles, such as system, assistant, or user:

response = client.send_message(, 
    message="[SYSTEM] User has logged back in", 

The response object contains the following attributes:

  • usage: The usage of the agent after the message was sent (the prompt tokens, completition tokens, and total tokens)
  • message: A list of either Message or LettaMessage objects, generated by the agent

Message Types


The LettaMessage object is a simplified version of the Message object. Since a Message can include multiple events like an inner monologue and function return, LettaMessage simplifies messages to have the following types:

  • inner_monologue: The inner monologue of the agent
  • function_call: An agent function call
  • function_response: The response to an agent function call
  • system_message: A system message
  • user_message: A user message


The Message object is the raw MemGPT message representation that is persisted in the database. To have the full Message data returns, you can set include_full_message=True:

response = client.user_message(, 

You can convert a raw Message object to a list of LettaMessage objects:

# Convert a `Message` object to a `LettaMessage` object
letta_messages = message.to_letta_message()