
class AgentState(BaseAgent)

Representation of an agent’s state. This is the state of the agent at a given time, and is persisted in the DB backend. The state has all the information needed to recreate a persisted agent.


  • id str - The unique identifier of the agent.
  • name str - The name of the agent (must be unique to the user).
  • created_at datetime - The datetime the agent was created.
  • message_ids List[str] - The ids of the messages in the agent’s in-context memory.
  • memory Memory - The in-context memory of the agent.
  • tools List[str] - The tools used by the agent. This includes any memory editing functions specified in memory.
  • system str - The system prompt used by the agent.
  • llm_config LLMConfig - The LLM configuration used by the agent.
  • embedding_config EmbeddingConfig - The embedding configuration used by the agent.