Upload a serialized agent JSON file and recreate the agent in the system.
If set to True, appends “_copy” to the end of the agent name.
If set to True, existing tools can get their source code overwritten by the uploaded tool definitions. Note that Letta core tools can never be updated externally.
The project ID to associate the uploaded agent with.
Successful Response
The id of the agent. Assigned by the database.
The name of the agent.
The system prompt used by the agent.
The type of agent.
The LLM configuration used by the agent.
The embedding configuration used by the agent.
The in-context memory of the agent.
The tools used by the agent.
The sources used by the agent.
The id of the user that made this object.
The id of the user that made this object.
The timestamp when the object was created.
The timestamp when the object was last updated.
The list of tool rules.
The ids of the messages in the agent’s in-context memory.
The description of the agent.
The metadata of the agent.
The environment variables for tool execution specific to this agent.
The id of the project the agent belongs to.
The id of the template the agent belongs to.
The base template id of the agent.
The ids of the identities associated with this agent.
If set to True, the agent will not remember previous messages (though the agent will still retain state via core memory blocks and archival/recall memory). Not recommended unless you have an advanced use case.