Connecting to the ADE

How to connect your Letta server to the ADE

The ADE can connect to self-hosted Letta servers (e.g. a Letta server running on your laptop), as well as the Letta Cloud service. When connected to a self-hosted / private server, the ADE uses the Letta REST API to communicate with your server.

🖥️ Connecting to a local server

To connect the ADE with your local Letta server, simply:

  1. Start your Letta server (docker run ...)
  2. Visit and you will see “Local server” as an option in the left panel

🔐 Password protection

To password protect your server, include SECURE=true and LETTA_SERVER_PASSWORD=yourpassword in your docker run command:

1# If LETTA_SERVER_PASSWORD isn't set, the server will autogenerate a password
2docker run \
3 -v ~/.letta/.persist/pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
4 -p 8283:8283 \
5 --env-file .env \
6 -e SECURE=true \
7 -e LETTA_SERVER_PASSWORD=yourpassword \
8 letta/letta:latest

🌐 Connecting to an external (self-hosted) server

If your Letta server isn’t running on localhost (for example, you deployed it on an external service like EC2):

  1. Click “Add remote server”
  2. Enter your desired server name, the IP address of the server, and the server password (if set, otherwise leave empty)